Why You Should Verify Your CA-Filed IT Returns

If you have a complex income tax return (ITR), it is a no-brainer to hire a competent Chartered Accountant (CA) to help with the filing. But that does not guarantee that your ITR will be error-free. In the last few years, I have consulted some …

Improving Returns by Delaying Taxes

Taxes substantially impact investment returns. But do you know that you can reduce their effect and boost returns by using the time value of money (TVM) ? Intrigued? Let’s dive in. As a corollary of the time value of money, tax that is payable in the …

Why High Returns Alone Should Not Be The Goal

“Earn the highest returns” is how the goal of investing is often defined. But if you step back to reconsider, you will realize high returns themselves are not the end; they are just a means to achieving your financial goals. You will also notice that …

Why Start Saving for Retirement Now

Retirement planning is an essential aspect of managing one’s finances. Yet it is often ignored. This is not surprising though. Neglecting retirement planning is like chain smoking. It is harmful but you don’t notice the negative effects right away. …

Why You Should Regularly Sell Your RSUs

Most folks intuitively understand the risks that accompany a concentrated portfolio. If asked to bet 60-70% of their net worth on a single company, most would refuse, citing it as too risky. Yet many inadvertently do the same by letting their vested …